How To Reset Myq Garage Door Opener – Easy Steps 

Have you been experiencing difficulty with your MyQ garage door opener and want to reset it? The MyQ is a smart device that provides enhanced control over your garage door, but like any tech gadget, it may require troubleshooting from time to time.

This blog post will guide you through the step-by-step process of resetting this device back to its factory settings. Read on to discover how you can quickly get your garage door opener running smoothly again!

Key Takeaways

  • You start resetting your MyQ garage door opener by pressing and holding the Settings button.
  • Make sure to release this button when the blue LED light begins to blink.
  • Press and hold down the Settings button again until you see a pause in blinking.
  • Always let go at the right moment – when the LED light stops flashing.
  • After resetting, reconnect your Wi – Fi and any remote controls for proper functionality.

Steps to Factory Reset a MyQ Garage Door Opener

Begin by finding the Settings button on your MyQ garage door opener. Press and hold this button until you notice the blue LED light starting to blink. Once it blinks, release the Settings button for a moment.

Then, press and hold down the same Settings button once more until you see that the blinking of the blue LED light pauses briefly. This series of actions initiates a factory reset of your MyQ garage door opener, restoring it to its original settings.

Press and hold the Settings button

Resetting your MyQ garage door opener starts with one simple action: pressing and holding the Settings button.

  • Locate the Settings button on your MyQ garage door opener.
  • Extend a finger towards the button, bearing in mind that this is typically located next to the arrows.
  • Apply pressure to the Settings button.
  • Hold down the button for a few seconds. This triggers the reset process of your MyQ garage door opener.
  • Be aware that during this process, the light on the opener should blink blue. It’s a visual cue that informs you of an ongoing reset.
  • In case the blue LED light does not immediately blink, continue to hold down the Settings button until it does so.

First, ensure that the MyQ garage door opener is powered on. Visible at the top of the gadget, you will see a blue light – that’s our LED indicator. This piece of technology is vital in the reset process as it signals connection attempts and confirms successful reset actions.

Press and hold the Settings button again

Troubleshooting a MyQ Garage Door Opener often requires resetting it to its factory settings. This is an easy process that you can complete in a few simple steps:

  1. Locate the Settings button on your MyQ device.
  2. Firmly press and hold the Settings button until the LED light starts blinking blue.
  3. Release the Settings button once the blue LED light begins to blink, signaling that your device has entered WiFi setup mode.
  4. Next, press and hold the Settings button again as part of this reset procedure.
  5. Wait for the LED light on your device to pause after releasing the button, indicating successful completion.
  6. Now that you’ve performed a factory reset, your MyQ Garage Door Opener will eliminate connections to all wireless remotes and door sensors it was previously programmed with.

Release when the blue LED pauses

Understanding when the blue LED pauses in the reset process of a MyQ Garage Door Opener plays a vital role. Here are some key facts to know:

  • This pause happens when you’re about to successfully reset the opener.
  • It’s crucial not to release the button while the blue LED is still flashing.
  • You only have to let go once this light takes a break from blinking.


In conclusion, resetting your MyQ garage in four easy steps is a straightforward process. Press and hold the settings button on your MyQ hub, locate the yellow learn button, and ensure your garage door is open or closed.

By following these steps, you can perform a factory reset, erasing door sensors and returning your device to its original factory settings. This process is essential for troubleshooting issues or upgrading to a new device.

Remember to reconnect to your Wi-Fi network and reprogram any wireless remotes and door keys once your MyQ hub is ready to be set up again.

Remember, after a successful reset, it’s crucial to reconnect any remote controls and Wi-Fi for optimal operation. This process invites an efficient, functioning garage door opener back into your daily routine.