How to Change Alexa Voice To Jarvis

Is your Amazon Echo missing a dash of Tony Stark’s AI assistant, Jarvis? What if we told you it’s possible to tweak Alexa for more distinctive responses—even though changing its voice entirely isn’t an option?

In this blog post, we’ll guide you step by step on configuring the Alexa app to deliver all the charm and humor of Jarvis as best as it can. Adventure awaits—read on and bring Iron Man’s favorite sidekick closer to home!

Key Takeaways

  • You can make Alexa sound like Jarvis using the “Skills & Games” in your Alexa app.
  • Typing ‘Jarvis‘ into the skills search bar gets you a new voice pack.
  • This feature works on every device linked with your account, making Alexa sound more like Tony Stark’s sidekick.
  • Other celebrities, including Samuel L Jackson and Morgan Freeman, also have voice packs available for use.

How to Change Alexa Voice to Jarvis

To change Alexa’s voice to Jarvis, first open the Alexa app on your device. Locate and tap on the “More” section available at the bottom of your screen. Next, select “Skills & Games”.

Type ‘Jarvis’ into the search bar to locate the Jarvis voice pack. Finally, click ‘enable’ to make this distinctive AI voice your default Amazon Echo assistant.

Now you’ve successfully made a one-time purchase that grants your Alexa an Iron Man-like upgrade! Your new digital butler is available for all compatible devices such as Echo and Echo Show – creating a much more Marvelous interaction experience!

Remember, changes take effect across all devices connected to your account; unless there are devices that belong to someone else – these will be unaffected by this update.

Sit back now and engage with Jarvis: explore a wide range of celebrity alternatives or potentially comedic inquiries involving characters like Groot from Star Wars or real-life celebrities among which Samuel L Jackson takes the lead over Shaquille O’Neal or Melissa McCarthy

Launch the Alexa app on your device

Setting up Jarvis as your Alexa voice assistant begins with accessing your Alexa app. First, locate the icon of the app on your mobile device and tap it to open.

Then, look for a button at the bottom right corner labeled “More”. Once you have found this button, click it to reveal an assortment of application options.

Go to the “More” section

You can effortlessly change Alexa’s voice to Jarvis by following a few simple steps. Start by launching the Alexa app on your device.

Navigate to the bottom right corner of the screen and tap on the “More” button. This action will open up a panel showcasing myriad options such as lists, routines, settings, and skills & games.

Select “Skills & Games”

Exploring the Skills & Games section of the Alexa app brings up a trove of customization options. Here is what you need to do:

  1. Open the Alexa app on your device
  2. Look for ‘More’ at the bottom right corner and tap on it
  3. Scroll down the list and select ‘Skills & Games’
  4. Utilize the search bar at the top of this section
  5. Enter ‘Jarvis’ in the search box

Search for and enable the Jarvis voice pack

Unlocking the Jarvis voice pack on your Alexa app is a straightforward process. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Start by opening your Alexa App on your selected device.
  2. Find and click on the “More” section, typically represented with three horizontal lines or dots.
  3. Tap on “Skills & Games,” which is usually located in the dropdown menu.
  4. Type ‘Jarvis Voice Pack’ into the search bar at the top of the screen and look for the relevant result.
  5. Once you’ve found it, select “Enable” to add Jarvis as one of potential voices for Alexa.


If you’ve ever wanted to change Alexa’s default voice to something more unique, like Jarvis from “Iron Man” or even a real-life celebrity like Samuel L. Jackson, you’re in luck.

Amazon’s Alexa now offers a wide range of voices, including Jarvis, to personalize your Alexa experience.

You can simply go to the Alexa app, select Alexa’s name to “Jarvis,” and your changes take effect. It’s like having your own digital butler or Tony’s AI assistant right at home.

With this voice-activated method, you don’t need to discontinue your Alexa device; just enjoy the distinctive voice you prefer.

In the quest to make Alexa more personalized, altering its voice to that of Jarvis might be an enticing prospect. Unfortunately, turning your Amazon Echo into Tony Stark’s witty AI isn’t feasible right now.

What is available though are speaking rate modifications, accent alterations, and changes in gender of the existing voice options for Alexa.

With these customizations at hand, you can still make your interactive experience with Alexa unique while we wait for Jarvis or any other famous persona voices to become a reality on this platform.


1. How can I change the voice on my Alexa device?

You can customize your Alexa device by changing its default voice from Amazon’s standard to another celebrity’s or person’s, including Jarvis.

2. Can I make the name “Jarvis” as Alexa’s wake word?

While you can change Alexa’s default voice, sadly you cannot replace Alexa’s wake word with Jarvis’ directly or any other personalized name.

3. How do I switch my Amazon Echo and the Alexa app to the Jarvis Voice Service?

To shift your Amazon Echo and Alexa app to Jarvis or any other different celebrity like Morgan Freeman, head into settings; and select ‘Change Alexa’s Voice’ under devices.

4. Is there going to be a Jacksonish voice for Alex in April 2023?

As of now, we’ve only got reports that changes will happen in 2023 but celebrities like Jackson have not been confirmed for changing Alexa’s tone.

5. Why does my friend say he has an R2D2-like assistant at home while mine sounds different?

Each user is free to personalize their own Alexa; alterations don’t affect other users so it doesn’t matter which one you ask – all options are available!